If you have not taken an exam in the Testing Center, please view the Testing Center Video and review the information below.
When your instructor schedules an exam for your course in the Testing Center, you will receive an email directing you to select a time for your exam.
Please read the detailed instructions below about check-in, testing, testing room rules, and check-out. Processes have changed since spring 2024.
Students should apply for accommodations through the Student Disability Resources (SDR) office.
Students that have SDR approval for 50% extra-time are welcome to schedule their exams in the Testing Center or in the SDR testing center. Students with approval for 100% extra-time typically are accommodated in the SDR testing center.
Students with extra-time accommodations should never schedule in the last timeslot of the day because the Testing Center closes at 11 pm.
The Pollock Testing Center has height adjustable computer stations but does not have any assistive technology.
When you arrive at the entrance turnstile:
Do not fold or crumple the scratch paper because you need to scan it to exit.
You are expected to follow the University Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Policy. If a student is out of compliance with university or Testing Center policies, staff members will notify the instructor and possibly the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response.
Inside the testing room:
Taking your exam:
Stay up-to-date on Canvas's current status at http://status.instructure.com/
8:00A - 11:00P, Monday through Friday
eTesting is closed for summer 2024
Scanning Operations will be open:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
and 6/24, 8/9 and 8/12 for Finals
Closed on University holidays
Closed during UP campus closures
504 Pollock Road
104 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 865-9784
Email: eTest@psu.edu
504 Pollock Road
105 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 863-2802
Email: scan@psu.edu