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Information for Students for the Pollock Testing Center

If you have not taken an exam in the Testing Center, please view the Testing Center Video and review the information below.

Student Notifications

When your instructor schedules an exam for your course in the Testing Center, you will receive an email directing you to select a time for your exam.

  • Schedule a time for your exam right away. Popular timeslots fill quickly.
  • Choose a time that allows you to arrive 30-minutes before the scheduled exam time.
  • All students must arrive at the Testing Center 30-minutes before the scheduled exam time. If you arrive later, there might be too little time to check-in before the exam starts.
  • Testing Center staff cannot let you check-in after the scheduled exam time. You will need to reschedule your exam. Signs are posted with QR codes for the scheduling page.
  • Testing Center staff cannot reschedule your exam.

Please read the detailed instructions below about check-in, testing, testing room rules, and check-out. Processes have changed since spring 2024.

ADA Accommodations

Students should apply for accommodations through the Student Disability Resources (SDR) office.

Students that have SDR approval for 50% extra-time are welcome to schedule their exams in the Testing Center or in the SDR testing center. Students with approval for 100% extra-time typically are accommodated in the SDR testing center.

Students with extra-time accommodations should never schedule in the last timeslot of the day because the Testing Center closes at 11 pm.

The Pollock Testing Center has height adjustable computer stations but does not have any assistive technology.

Arrival, Check-in, Testing, and Check-out

Arriving at the Testing Center

  • Arrive 30-minutes early for your exam. Do not arrive late or ask staff to let you in late.
  • Check-in begins approximately 25 minutes before the scheduled exam start time, but we may be able to let you in early.
  • Quickly log-on, sign-in to Canvas, and begin your exam.
  • If you are not done with your exam by the scheduled exam end time, you will need to leave at that time. Only students with extra-time accommodations will be allowed to stay.
  • All testing stops at the Testing Center at closing time; there are no exceptions.

Check-in, Testing, and Check-out

When you arrive at the entrance turnstile:

  • Have your student ID or your phone ready to tap-in at the front desk.
  • Have all allowed items in your hand (not in your backpack or bag). If you forget, please step to the side so other students can continue to check-in.
  • Staff cannot loan you forgotten items.
  • You may only take a (clear) bottle of water into the testing room.
  • All other items must be in a closeable bag. If your bag does not close, you need to borrow one of our bags. Items that must be in the bag include:
    • cell phones, powered off
    • smart watches, silenced, including alarms
    • media players
    • headphones (unless allowed for the exam)
  • Your instructor may assign scratch paper for your exam. If so, you will be given a bar-coded sheet at check-in, which is linked to your ID. You may only have one sheet at a time, but that may be exchanged for another.

    Do not fold or crumple the scratch paper because you need to scan it to exit.

Academic Integrity and Student Conduct

You are expected to follow the University Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Policy. If a student is out of compliance with university or Testing Center policies, staff members will notify the instructor and possibly the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response.

Testing Room Expectations

  • Empty desktop - except materials allowed by your instructor
  • Presence at assigned station - except necessary visits to the restroom
  • Silence - no talking in the testing room.
  • Solitary work - no communication or collaboration with other students
  • Bags closed and out of reach - stowed under desk or on top shelf

Inside the testing room:

  • Do not open your backpack or bag.
  • Do not use any device unless it is listed on your seat assignment ticket.
  • Do not use a phone, tablet or smart watch inside the testing room.

Taking your exam:

  1. Login to Windows.
  2. Wait for Respondus LockDown Browser to open and take you to the Canvas Login.
  3. Login to Canvas.
  4. Find your exam.
  5. Check the exam settings (time allowed, headphones working, etc.).
  6. Start your exam.
  7. When you are done, end your exam and logout of Canvas and Windows, but leave the computer on.
  8. Gather your belongings and immediately leave the testing room.


  • If you have scratch paper, scan the sheet at the turnstile. Staff will later verify that we have the sheet. If your sheet is missing, staff will notify your instructor.
  • If you did not have scratch paper, use your ID to exit the turnstile.
  • If you used one of our bags, please empty it and place the bag in the box near the turnstiles.


Canvas Status

Stay up-to-date on Canvas's current status at http://status.instructure.com/

Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring

8:00A - 11:00P, Monday through Friday

Summer - May 6-Aug 9, 2024

eTesting is closed for summer 2024

Scanning Operations will be open:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

and 6/24, 8/9 and 8/12 for Finals

Closed on University holidays

Closed during UP campus closures

Contact Us

eTesting Lab

504 Pollock Road
104 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 865-9784
Email: eTest@psu.edu

Scanning Services

504 Pollock Road
105 Pollock Building
Phone: (814) 863-2802
Email: scan@psu.edu

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